become a love cradle int. fundraiser team member
Helping Children & Families
Whether you're 10 or 100, there are no limits to helping, to impact the lives of children in the US, in Ukraine and around the world. One of the ways you can help is by joining the Love Cradle Int. fundraiser Team or even hold your own fundraiser.
Whether you’re a teenager, student, parent, retired you can help. Use your creativity, gifts, and resources to raise support for children’s programs.
Here’s a few ideas to get you started:
-Research, and present to your family, friends, Church, school, or organisation on the orphan crises, locally and world-wide, foster care needs in our local communities and throughout the world. Love Cradle Int. will help you do this.
-Host an “Orphan Sunday” presentation in November.
- Checkout and invite others to look at our current and ongoing projects and events.
Chef Steve Bandura and his crew of volunteers preparing food for the LCI Family Banquet fundraiser.